we had this pretty packed schedule planned. haha so we met up relatively early. ok so we were supposed to meet earlier than we did, but I WAS LATE. im sorry kwann. haha and dee. least i msged to let u guys know! =X hahah. so after the mixup with meeting at the platform or the control station, kwann and i navigated our way to dee's place. haha. on the way there, i was pointing the way i've walked before to kwann, when we saw this,
Me: Those are mangroves!
Kwann: MANGOES??!! -with the deer in headlights look-
Me: what. omg kwann. NO. mangRoves. -.-
haha. ridiculous. a shot i took, for safety measure. evidently, they're not mangoes.
Reached dee's place in record time, and after speculating bout who's gonna take the bike dee has, and who's gonna rent one at the park, we set off! haha. ok, i decided to take dee's bike, albeit the fact that it was a tad too high for me, (ok that's a severe understatement) but oh well, i took it anyway. while dee bladed. and kwann walked. AWWWW. hahaha. so she snapped quite a few shots using my cam, since she was on foot. pooooor girl. but dee and i were nice enough to slow down for her, right kwann? hahaha.
dee blading
Me handling the oh-so-high bike. i realised kwann took so many pics of me cycling. shall just put up a few. haha.
after a short ride to the park, (a long walk for kwann that is. haha) kwann finally got to rent her bike! while i continued to struggle with the height of mine -.- it was ridiculous.. i've got battle scars to show for it. haha.
kwann and dee =D
when dee clambered up to perch on the side, both kwann and i shouted in unison, "DONT FALL DEE!!!" hahhaa.
with dee (: (i was trying to balance with the bike -.- )
kwann and dee were delighting in watching me struggle with her bike, and even took a video. meannn. c'mon, watch how high i had to swing my leg up in order to get onto the bike! it was freakin high for me! this's gonna be embarrassing. mayb i should put a paper bag over my head when i head out, after i've posted this up that is. hrmmm. yea that could work.
the two mean people. they were encouraging me while LAUGHING at me, how contradictory. CALL YOURSELF MY BEST FRIENDS. TSK.
after awhile, we were kinda parched, so we stopped by downtown east to have a drink and take a break.
kwann! haha.
dee cooling off.
thumbs up! i know i know, im good fun to be with. =D
haha alright, im kidding. seriously.
Dynasty warriors on ps2

kwann the slacker. she merely killed 3 enemies while i've killed THIRTY. talk bout helping her fellow comrade. a.k.a. ME.

so, we moved on to genji. haha damn, i like that game. in short, now im the butterfly destroyer, dee's the big monster destroyer, and kwann's the.... jumper. haha think there's movie of that title openin soon. but MAN. butterfly destroyer's so NOT cool. hahaha. but it means more than u think =P kwann n dee would know. haha.
genji. picture isn't very clear though. graphics are alot better than as you can observe from the shot.

kwann was so into genji, she was doing her own lil rpg game on the way back. with help from part of her belated birthday present from dee n i as her weapon -.-
kwann as BENKEI. hahahaha.
that mischievous girl. she kept taking a swipe at me with the poster. talk bout obsession. SHEESH.
by the way, full range of pictures taken on my cam are up in an album on facebook u guys! so in case u wanna see all of them (:
oooh ooh. was watching american idol just now, and i really rather like this guy who auditioned. thought he was pretty good so i came online to look for his vids, and found out he was a runner up on star search or somethin a few years back!
David singing to the american idol season 1 contestants a few years back. that's kelly clarkson and justin btw.
ok, now i can just go bury my head in a hole somewhere in a remote desert, after posting the video dee took.
bye world.
ok im kidding. i'll be back. jankovic and sharapova tomorrow mann.
ida posted at 9:20 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hello everyone!
sorry bout the delayed posting.
Introducing my precious =D
sorry to bore u guys with this, but i just had to do a play-by-play of the unpacking. heh.
lovee the box. had to lug it back all the way, on the mrt. but no worries, the box's beauutiful. watching people turn green with jealousy, i could deal with. muahahahaha.

ok, first, styrofoam..

drumroll... (ooh. remote)

voila! =D

haha, this's the instruction manual, the another manual's called "everything else Mac"

awwwww. hahha. gosh i know im kinda lame today.

had to charge it for 8 hours.
got myself a radio remote for my nano as well!

the startup was pretty awesome. hahaha.
ya know, i was thinkin of naming my laptop, kinda ridiculous, but well i haven't gotten down to it. jie and i were brainstormin, but as of now, there isn't one for it. haha. anyway, with the release of the macbook air, i confessed i freaked out. till i realised there was no optical disk drive for the macbook air, HALLELUJAH. hahaha. first blog post done on my black macbook!
anyway, if u were wonderin why i haven't blogged for so long, been kinda busy, since i've started work. work's pretty fun! tiring, but interesting. nice getting to meet people of different nationalities, korean, russian, german, british, czechs, huangarians, u name it, we've got it. haha. gonna work at terminal 3 transit this weekend, so that's gonna be exciting. oh, and i've been following the australian open of course, best matches so far would've probably be the federer vs tipsaveric match, and perhaps the jelena jankovic vs serena williams one i just watched this mornin. wasnt much of an epic match, but i really like how jankovic plays.
went down to waterfront last sat, felt good to finally get some hits. (: gonna try to go down as often as i can to play some tennis. oh yeah, mei's back from obs! sand-fly bitten, burnt, but ok. haha. oh yeah, headed over to dee's house for some ps3 fix last tues too! haha. we played genji for like ALMOST the entire afternoon. with a lil tony hawk later. heh. she blogged bout it! so go check it out (: (i aint a whiner k dee.hmph. haha.)
oooh. sharapova and henin's on now.
tata (:
sorry bout the delayed posting.
Introducing my precious =D
sorry to bore u guys with this, but i just had to do a play-by-play of the unpacking. heh.
lovee the box. had to lug it back all the way, on the mrt. but no worries, the box's beauutiful. watching people turn green with jealousy, i could deal with. muahahahaha.
ok, first, styrofoam..
drumroll... (ooh. remote)
voila! =D
haha, this's the instruction manual, the another manual's called "everything else Mac"
awwwww. hahha. gosh i know im kinda lame today.
had to charge it for 8 hours.
the startup was pretty awesome. hahaha.
ya know, i was thinkin of naming my laptop, kinda ridiculous, but well i haven't gotten down to it. jie and i were brainstormin, but as of now, there isn't one for it. haha. anyway, with the release of the macbook air, i confessed i freaked out. till i realised there was no optical disk drive for the macbook air, HALLELUJAH. hahaha. first blog post done on my black macbook!
anyway, if u were wonderin why i haven't blogged for so long, been kinda busy, since i've started work. work's pretty fun! tiring, but interesting. nice getting to meet people of different nationalities, korean, russian, german, british, czechs, huangarians, u name it, we've got it. haha. gonna work at terminal 3 transit this weekend, so that's gonna be exciting. oh, and i've been following the australian open of course, best matches so far would've probably be the federer vs tipsaveric match, and perhaps the jelena jankovic vs serena williams one i just watched this mornin. wasnt much of an epic match, but i really like how jankovic plays.
went down to waterfront last sat, felt good to finally get some hits. (: gonna try to go down as often as i can to play some tennis. oh yeah, mei's back from obs! sand-fly bitten, burnt, but ok. haha. oh yeah, headed over to dee's house for some ps3 fix last tues too! haha. we played genji for like ALMOST the entire afternoon. with a lil tony hawk later. heh. she blogged bout it! so go check it out (: (i aint a whiner k dee.hmph. haha.)
oooh. sharapova and henin's on now.
tata (:
ida posted at 4:21 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
family celebrated her birthday the saturday before her birthday cos dad was due to fly off to Shanghai. after a long discussion we decided on trying out the Manhatten Fish Market at Central.
Manhatten Fish Market

Manhatten Seafood Platter =D yummy. a tad heaty, but it was pretty cool, them using the torch to melt the cheese on the prawns and all that. haha.

Dinner wasn't too shabby, and their clam chowder was pretty good too. After dinner, we walked around Central a lil before exploring the riverside a lil. since irina was bent on taking a short walk. we would've walked for a longer time but it was drizzling.
Irina being fascinated by the fruits at a shop in Central (:


We had cake-cutting for Irina when we got home, 15 years old girl! haha.
Making a wish. heh

(all together now) awwww.

blowing out the candles

wow irina sure looks murderous.
hahaha. a few photos are blurred cos jie attemped to take them without flash and somehow because of that, they turned out blurry.

hurry cut it so we can SINK OUR TEETH IN.

Thanks for being there for me so much especially durinig the course of 2007, irina! happy birthday (:
I'm absolutely hooked on Heroes, Miami Ink and LA Ink.
family celebrated her birthday the saturday before her birthday cos dad was due to fly off to Shanghai. after a long discussion we decided on trying out the Manhatten Fish Market at Central.
Manhatten Fish Market
Manhatten Seafood Platter =D yummy. a tad heaty, but it was pretty cool, them using the torch to melt the cheese on the prawns and all that. haha.
Irina being fascinated by the fruits at a shop in Central (:
We had cake-cutting for Irina when we got home, 15 years old girl! haha.
Making a wish. heh
(all together now) awwww.
blowing out the candles
wow irina sure looks murderous.

hurry cut it so we can SINK OUR TEETH IN.

Thanks for being there for me so much especially durinig the course of 2007, irina! happy birthday (:
I'm absolutely hooked on Heroes, Miami Ink and LA Ink.
ida posted at 11:48 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I heard this song on the return flight from Japan, and loved it (:
Pinquan kenny and i met up yesterday mornin to head over to dee's house for our ps fix. gosh, makes me sound like a gamer when i'm far from one. anyway, haha we nearly lost our way to dee's house. but it wasn't as bad as when i was trying to lead them back from her house later on at night, cos we overshort the station by 2 roads. hrmm. it was dark!! haha. anyway, we stayed at dee's place from lke 10am to 8pm? utter madness. haha the guys were going ga-ga over the games galore at dee's place. PS, PS2, PS 3, the wii, which sadly wasn't working. haha. they kept saying they wouldn't ever wanna leave the house with all these gadgets and games at home -.-
we played quite a few games this time, they sucked at dynasty warriors!!! KWANN DID YOU READ THAT. haha we totally rocked at it more than they did. heh. they were humbled by dee and i showing them how its done. haha ok. lunch at dee's was delicious (: haha
Dee: you're so gonna like what we're gonna have for lunch today ida.
Me: huh what is it?
Dee: sambal fried rice.
Me: -grins-
we played a few games on the ps3 initially before they got a lil bored and so we headed to play the ps2. we played topspin and crazy taxi. the guys were going nuts over topspin!! till dee and i both got bored so we warned them to stop playing in bout 5 mins but they insisted on finishing the set. so tried to hamper pinquan who was losing, to lose quicker. haha dee has it on video on her phone. anyway, it was all good fun (:
the guys came over to play tennis this mornin, and since pinquan hit one of the balls into the water catchment area beside the court, he tried to hit one of those balls caught in the fence, down, to make up for my loss. haha. here's the video.
in case you're wondering, their lines weren't rehearsed. spontaneous lame-ness. tsktsk -.- haha.
pinquan going "why are you taking my pictureeeee." haha.

the guys with their hair intact, before they head off for NS in a week
Pinquan kenny and i met up yesterday mornin to head over to dee's house for our ps fix. gosh, makes me sound like a gamer when i'm far from one. anyway, haha we nearly lost our way to dee's house. but it wasn't as bad as when i was trying to lead them back from her house later on at night, cos we overshort the station by 2 roads. hrmm. it was dark!! haha. anyway, we stayed at dee's place from lke 10am to 8pm? utter madness. haha the guys were going ga-ga over the games galore at dee's place. PS, PS2, PS 3, the wii, which sadly wasn't working. haha. they kept saying they wouldn't ever wanna leave the house with all these gadgets and games at home -.-
we played quite a few games this time, they sucked at dynasty warriors!!! KWANN DID YOU READ THAT. haha we totally rocked at it more than they did. heh. they were humbled by dee and i showing them how its done. haha ok. lunch at dee's was delicious (: haha
Dee: you're so gonna like what we're gonna have for lunch today ida.
Me: huh what is it?
Dee: sambal fried rice.
Me: -grins-
we played a few games on the ps3 initially before they got a lil bored and so we headed to play the ps2. we played topspin and crazy taxi. the guys were going nuts over topspin!! till dee and i both got bored so we warned them to stop playing in bout 5 mins but they insisted on finishing the set. so tried to hamper pinquan who was losing, to lose quicker. haha dee has it on video on her phone. anyway, it was all good fun (:
the guys came over to play tennis this mornin, and since pinquan hit one of the balls into the water catchment area beside the court, he tried to hit one of those balls caught in the fence, down, to make up for my loss. haha. here's the video.
in case you're wondering, their lines weren't rehearsed. spontaneous lame-ness. tsktsk -.- haha.
pinquan going "why are you taking my pictureeeee." haha.
the guys with their hair intact, before they head off for NS in a week
ida posted at 9:45 PM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Yesterday, i met up with Huang to go drinking..

...at Subway.
haha ok, i told huang i was gonna type that on my blog. haha. anyway in case you're wondering, that was part of my gift to her from Japan, its actually a candle. kinda cute huh (:
tsk. huang sulking. =p

can't figure out which was taken better so i'll just plonk both snapshots down. haha.
with huang!

It was good fun catching up with Huang, been awhile since i've met her. Think we didn't have enough time to chat sufficiently! but oh well, there's always next year. we took a few stupid photos hahahha which im way too embarrassed to post up here, so huang, get it from me personally!!! HAHA. i'm really lazy to blog in detail about what happened, so let the pictures do the talkin.

was intending to meet everyone at somerset to snap a shot before i rushed off to the indoor stadium for the sharapova match, but as usual, some were fashionably late. plus derrick and yulin were both at the Village already.
Derrick: Come here QUICK!
so those who met up at somerset rushed to the Village cos I was in a rush, and snapped a few shots with everyone there before i had to make myself scarce. ok mayb more shots than intended since derrick was unhappy with just bout 99% of the shots he took with me -.-
with camwhore buddy. haha

the class!
ok shall blog bout the maria sharapova match another day, family wants to head out for our prata fix NOW. haha.
waitwait. here's a teaser =p

i realised i don't ever make resolutions. not that i can remember anyway. i just don't bother to.
hmm. anyway,
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE (: let's hope 2008'll be a better year than the last.
...at Subway.
haha ok, i told huang i was gonna type that on my blog. haha. anyway in case you're wondering, that was part of my gift to her from Japan, its actually a candle. kinda cute huh (:
tsk. huang sulking. =p
can't figure out which was taken better so i'll just plonk both snapshots down. haha.
with huang!
Derrick: Come here QUICK!
so those who met up at somerset rushed to the Village cos I was in a rush, and snapped a few shots with everyone there before i had to make myself scarce. ok mayb more shots than intended since derrick was unhappy with just bout 99% of the shots he took with me -.-
with camwhore buddy. haha

the class!
waitwait. here's a teaser =p
i realised i don't ever make resolutions. not that i can remember anyway. i just don't bother to.
hmm. anyway,
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE (: let's hope 2008'll be a better year than the last.
ida posted at 12:08 AM